Tamil Actor Ajith has shocked everyone with a video that surfaced on Twitter. He was shooting for an action episode in his upcoming film, Vidaa Muyarchi. Ajith who often does all the stunts on his own has pulled off an amazing stunt in his whole career. Everyone knows Ajith was once a bike racer and still showcases those skills in his films. Now, his stunt in Vidaa Muyarchi is above all those and has stunned all.
Ajith along with his team is shooting rigorously for Vidaa Muyarchi. He was spotted doing this stunt with his co-actor Arav whose hands were tied. However, the team didn’t give any clarity if this was an accident or a planned stunt. But Ajith and Arav’s grit has made everyone go bonkers. They kept their cool and performed the stunt well. After the stunt, Ajith was heard asking Arav if he was okay. This shows how Ajith controlled everything amazingly.
One has to appreciate Ajith for displaying such skills even at this age with many ailments he has. He constantly does something new to impress his fans and audience. He did the same kind of stunt in his previous film, Valimai where he sets the screen on fire with his bike racing skills during the interval episode. Fans now can’t wait and are eagerly waiting for the teaser already.