Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram had got off to a rocky start, but the shooting of the film got suffered with one after another speed bump after another coming in its roadblocks which is why the film’s shooting got delayed several times, and recently the news of music director Thaman and actress Pooja Hegde exiting this big project went viral on social media. Although the producer confirmed that Thaman is not out of this film, Pooja Hegde indeed left the project and according to the reports, the team of Guntur Kaaram has finalized another actress as Pooja’s replacement.
The actress is none another Meenakshi Chaudhary. The young actress who was seen in films like Raviteja’s Khiladi, Adivi Sesh’s HIT 2 is said to be finalized as the second lead of Guntur Kaaram. Now, the film’s main female lead is Sree Leela. However we should wait for the official announcement from the unit.
Citing the dates clash and continuous rescheduling of the filming of the film, Pooja Hegde chose to leave Guntur Kaaram. According to the reports, the unseemly and never-ending changes in the dates for the film have made Pooja Hegde to proceed with her decision of leaving this project. Now she has been replaced with Meenakshi Chaudhary and the shooting of the film, Guntur Kaaram will reportedly commence in a non-stop mode from this month end.
After a 12-year gap, Mahesh Babu and Trivikram are coming together with this movie, and the superstar fans have piled up massive expectations on the result of Guntur Kaaram. Let’s wish that the movie becomes a superb, successful venture for all the parties involved.