South Indian renowned actor Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan was admitted to Sri Ramachandra Medical Center (SRMC) on November 23. According to reports, he was hospitalized for a regular health check-up. Reportedly, he developed a fever and was given treatment for the same. It is said that the doctors advised him complete rest for the next couple of days. The actor is likely to be discharged later today.
Recently, he met his mentor and legendary director K Vishwanath in Hyderabad and photos of the two are going viral on social media.
On November 23, Kamal Haasan felt uneasy and developed a slight fever. After his return from Hyderabad, he was admitted to a private hospital in Chennai for further treatment. The doctors treated him for the same and suggested he take rest for a couple of days to recuperate. The actor is likely to get discharged.
Earlier this year, Kamal Haasan went to Hyderabad due to work commitments. There he met his guru K Vishwanath and took part in a couple of events in the city.
Kamal Haasan is currently shooting for director Shankar’s Indian 2 and Bigg Boss Tamil Season 6. Once he finishes Indian 2, he will join hands with the legendary director Mani Ratnam for KH 234, which also marks the reunion of both the after 35 years of Nayakan.
Kamal Haasan also has a film with director Pa Ranjith. He has lined up some interesting combinations with young directors for his next movies.