The Malayalam film industry is on a roll with yet another blockbuster in the form of Aadujeevitham. The survival drama features Prithviraj and is written and directed by Blessy. It is based on a novel by Benyamin and received great critical acclaim and audience love over its first weekend and continued great show on weekdays as well.
Aadu Jeevitham posted the biggest weekend numbers in the history of Malayalam cinema, with a strong hold on weekdays and has now emerged as the biggest 1st week for Mollywood in just 6 days. The earlier record stood with Mohanlal starter Lucifer which incidentally was directed by Prithviraj. Lucifer managed to collect 75 Cr gross in 1st week, while Aadujeevitham has collected more than 80 Cr gross in 6 days.
Despite it being mid-week, the film managed to hold well today as well. The total 1st week number will be close to 90 Cr. The film is all set to join the 100 Cr club by this Friday and will easily join the 150 Cr club at this pace.
The highly ambitious survival drama which has been in the pipeline for several years finally made its way to the theatres earlier this week to great reviews and tremendous audience response.
Aadujeevitham follows the life of Najeeb, who, employed as a goatherd against his will, survives in a slave-like situation in the middle of the Saudi desert. The film has been titled The Goat Life for the international version