Hombale films who have given a Pan-Indian blockbuster like KGF-2 recently produced a small movie titled “Kantara” which became a sensational hit in Kannada. Released on September 30, the movie is still going strong. The movie was released with limited screens and opened with close to 3Cr worldwide gross on day 1, but the sensational word of mouth made the movie get bigger and it has crossed the 60Cr gross mark at the Karnataka box office now. Worldwide gross is more than 70Cr and it is heading towards joining the 100Cr club.
Allu Aravind, head of Geetha Arts, got the rights to the Telugu version of this movie. The already-released teaser and trailer are impressive. Seeing the response to the Kannada version, Arvind is making preparations to bring the film to the Telugu audience as soon as possible. The Telugu version will hit the screens on October 15.
Kantara means forest in the Sanskrit language. If you show love, you will get more love. if you create destruction.. more destruction is the return gift of the mother of the forest. This is the theme of the movie.
Not only in Kannada but now this movie is being discussed all over the country. Especially audiences are bragging about the climax of the movie. The half-hour-long climax scenes in Kantara movie have hooked the audience and people who have watched the movie are giving rave reviews for the movie.
Rishabh Shetty not only acted but also directed it himself. Achyut Kumar-Pramod Shetty appeared in key roles in this film. Ajanish Loknath provided the soundtrack for this film. Produced by Vijay Kiragandur under the Hombale Films banner. It must be said that Arvind S Kashyap’s cinematography is the main asset.