“The Kashmir Files” a Bollywood film written and directed by Vivek Agnihotri and produced by Zee studios released on 11th March 2022. The film is making some noise from the date it was released. Everyone across the country is talking about the film. With excellent word of mouth, the film reached every corner. Extra screens and theatres have been added and are running successfully. Some state governments announced it to be tax-free. Assam government announced half day leave for its employees to watch the movie.
The Kashmir Files is having a sensational run at Box office. The film is heading towards some unbelievable numbers. The film’s OTT rights are bagged by ZEE5. At the time of the deal, the film has to release on OTT after 4 Weeks from the day of theatrical release. Now with the response across the country, the team approached ZEE5 and requested to postpone the OTT release for another 4 Weeks. The film will stream in the 1st week of May. So go and enjoy the intense drama in nearby theatres.