Vijay fans who were disappointed by the cancellation of Leo’s audio launch received good news as the film’s makers announced the trailer’s release date. Seven Screen Studios has confirmed that the trailer for the much-awaited film will be released on October 5. The production house shared a poster of the movie, which depicts Vijay having a fight with a hyena in the snow. However, after watching the poster, one cannot help but wonder by thinking What’s wrong with Thalapathy Vijay Leo makers?
All the posters that have been used for the promotion of the film, Leo, are very disappointing, and they have diluted a bit of hype around the film in the neutral audiences. Even today’s trailer announcement poster design is also not attractive and fallen short of the expectations.
However, irrespective of posters, the advance bookings for Leo are nothing less than sensational and, especially at the Overseas it is creating massive records even before the release. Let’s hope that at least the film’s trailer matches the expectations and raises the anticipation to a further level.
This year in Tamil, Leo is one of the most significant releases. The film is the second collaboration between Vijay and director Lokesh Kanagaraj. Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Sarja, Mysskin, Gautam Vasudev Menon, and Sandy are among the stars in this movie. Furthermore, the movie features Trisha, who hasn’t worked with Vijay since Kuruvi (2008). Anirudh Ravichander, who worked alongside Vijay and Lokesh in Master, is now composing the music for Leo. He had earlier collaborated with Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj for Katthi and Vikram individually.