Naga Chaitanya and Samantha’s divorce has sent a wave of gloom over the Tollywood fans. There were fans of the couple who were expecting the rumours surfacing over the last few months to be false. But, that didn’t turn out so. Now amidst all the divorce stories and news floating in the media a new angle has surfaced- that of Samantha’s PR team.
Soon after Naga Chaitanya and Samantha posted the confirmation of their divorce on social media, a flurry of news items flooded the internet. All these items were pushed with headlines of Samantha refusing the Rs 200 crore alimony from Naga Chaitanya as she was heartbroken.
A few weeks ago reports surfaced that alimony of Rs 200 crores was to be given to Samantha for the divorce. However, as per the recent reports, Samantha has categorically denied taking this amount as she is a self-made woman and can sustain herself quite well.
“It’s not easy for Samantha to get up and go to work every day. She is massively heartbroken. But she doesn’t want any project that she is associated with to suffer because of her personal life. She has always been a thorough professional and continues to be, putting up a brave front every day. It’s not in her to be unprofessional,” claimed these reports.
With a bunch of simultaneous articles being posted online on various platforms, it makes us wonder if there’s more than it meets the eye.