Megastar Chiranjeevi is taking a break from shooting Vishwambara. The renowned actor has Chikungunya and is in recovery. The Vishwambara team had planned to shoot an item song at a set in September, but those plans were pushed. The song is planned to be shot in October, and the search for the ideal actress is on.
Several names have been discussed, but the Vishwambhara team has yet to lock down any beauty for the special number.A big set will be built on the outskirts of the city for the song shoot. UV Creations is the production company behind this big-budget attempt, and the picture is set to be released worldwide on January 10, 2025.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun is filming Pushpa 2: The Rule, directed by Sukumar. The film also features a special song, and Sukumar and his colleagues have spent the last six months looking for the ideal lady. The names of Sree Leela, Tripti Dimrii, and others are speculated. Both Pushpa and Vishwambhara special songs are expected to rock the audience.
The song shot will take place in the final week of October, after the primary shoot is concluded. Rockstar Devi Sri Prasad composed catchy music for this spectacular number. The song filming was delayed since the company could not find the proper actress. Pushpa 2: The Rule, created by Mythri Movie Makers, is set to be released on December 6.