Young Hero Vishwak Sen’s new movie Das Ka Dhamki is his second directorial venture after Falaknuma Das, which will have a Pan India release on the 22nd of this month. The film was supposed to be released on February 17th, but it got postponed at the last minute.
The movie is said to be the biggest budget film in Vishwak Sen’s career and it is having good theatrical buzz. Andhra [6 Areas] region has been sold at 3 Crores ratio and Nizam is also valued at 3 Crores. The Rest of territories are valued at 2 Crores. Overall, the worldwide business of the film stands at 8 Crores.
The film is releasing on Ugadi which is one of the best dates for a movie’s release and the trade circles are expecting Das ka Dhamki to take good opening at the box office using the holiday advantage.
The producers long ago released a theatrical trailer of the film and today; they released trailer 2.0. As the title suggests, it has garnered double the enthusiasm than the first trailer. It has double entertainment, action, emotions, romance, etc.
The trailer 2.0 also shows the storyline of Das Ka Dhamki. Sanjay Rudra (Vishwak Sen) invents a miracle drug that cures cancer. When he dies in an accident, a hotel server (Vishwak again) is brought into his place. How he gets into the game and handles the situation forms the rest of the story.