In the Telugu film industry, success is a very tricky one. One hero missing a film and the same film becoming a big hit after another hero doing it is not a new thing in Tollywood. Now the same thing happened with the young hero, Vishwak Sen misses a golden opportunity with his careless attitude. Fondly called as Mass Ka Das by his fans, this young hero is quite popular for off-screen attitude along with on-screen performances.
Any hero needs one such a film which will be a game changer in his career, and it will help him go to the next level. Vishwak sen is one of the upcoming young actors who have good acting capabilities, and he tries to make different kinds of films, but still, he is yet to deliver a career – defining blockbuster success.
It is very well known that Anand Deverakonda’s latest film, Baby, directed by Sai Rajesh has become an unexpected massive blockbuster at the box office. At first, the film was planned with Vishwak but by hearing the director’s name itself he did not show any interest in working on the film even without listening to the script.
Now Baby became a sensational blockbuster, and if Vishwak had done this film definitely it would have been a game changer film for him, and he could have achieved good amount of craze in the youth audiences. Sadly, he misses a golden opportunity with his careless attitude.