Vijay Deverakonda and Vishwak Sen are the two young actors who have made a good name in the industry with their intense portrayals of aggressive characters on screen. While Vijay Deverakonda achieved a star status with consecutive big hits, Vishwak Sen is still searching for his big break. However, knowingly or unknowingly, Vishwak always gives a feel of imitating or. following the acts of Vijay Deverakonda off-screen.
Recently Vijay Deverakonda and Samantha did a stage performance at the musical concert of their upcoming film, Kushi. The public were a bit surprised by the couple’s act, and the video went viral within minutes.
Yesterday, Vishwak Sen also did the same as he danced on stage with heroine Neha Shetty during his upcoming film, Gangs Of Godavari’s song launch and netizens started comparing the two incidents and many of them opined that Vishwak sen constantly tries to imitate Vijay Devarakonda’s promotional strategy. Vishwak gave a counter to the comments of netizens.
Vishwak Sen gave a counter to all the trolls or his comparison with Vijay Deverakonda through his Instagram post by stating that the team of his film have planned to do the live performance on stage on 3rd August itself. So he clarified it that he did wantedly imitate Vijay Deverakonda.