Vishal’s Saamanyudu released earlier this week amidst mixed talk. Saamanyudu featured Dimple Hayathi as the female lead while Yogi Babu and Babu Raj featured in key roles. The film did a theatrical business of Rs 4.5 crores plus in Telugu states. So far, over the weekend, the film has collected just Rs 1.2 crores share and the recovery chances look quite slim.
The buyers are expected to lose around 50% as the film is headed towards a disaster status. P Saravananhas directed this film while Vishal has produced this action thriller under Vishal Film Factory.
Saamanyudu follows the story of a common man who dreams of joining the police force. He stumbles across a series of murders and how he investigates them forms the rest of the story. The film failed to impress the audience and set the box office on fire. However, Yuvan Shankar Raga’s BGM and action sequences in the film were well appreciated.