If the inside reports are to be believed, the Kollywood audience have missed a golden chance to see Chiyaan Vikram and Superstar Rajinikanth in one frame. It is being reported that the unit of Thalaivar 170 unit had approached Vikram to play the Antagonist role in the film but he refused the offer. Even though the Director T.J. Gnanavel negotiated with Vikram for multiple times, stills he was not interested and now the team is in plans to rope in Action King Arjun for the same role.
Chiyaan Vikram won many accolades for his incredibly versatile performance in Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan 2. At the age of 57, Vikram reiterated that still he can win the audiences with his terrific acting prowess. Such impact he gave in the film as he naturally showcased the pain of Aditha Karikalan.
After that, a recent buzz in Kollywood was spread that T.J. Gnanavel had approached Chiyaan Vikram for the main antagonist role in Superstar Rajinikanth’s upcoming film, ‘Thalaivar 170’. Sources said that Lyca Productions had offered a whopping single payment of 50 crores as remuneration to Vikram. The Lyca production house was also behind PS-1 and PS-2, so everybody thought as they already had a solid relationship with Chiyaan they can convince him to play villain role against Rajinikanth. Sadly he turned down the offer. Now we have to wait and see how action king Arjun reacts to the Thalaivar 170 unit’s offer.
Based on true events, Thalaivar 170 will be directed by TJ Gnanavel, who had formerly worked with Suriya in Jai Bheem and received outstanding response for his work. Anirudh Ravichander will be composing music for a Rajinikanth’s film for the third time after ‘Petta’ and ‘Darbar’.