Vijay’s Leo team faces setback as the release issues for the Telugu version have come unexpectedly. It is widely known that the film has enormous craze in Telugu audiences as well, and the advance bookings have also been doing extraordinarily well. But shockingly, Vijay’s Leo team faces setback as the release issues raised for the Telugu version.
It is being reported that in response to a petition against the usage of the title ‘LEO’ in Telugu, the Court has issued restraining orders to delay the release of Telugu until October 20th. The issue will most likely be clarified by Sithara Entertainments’ Naga Vamsi during a press interaction scheduled for 03:00 PM today.
When the Vijay’s Leo team faced setback and the Release issues for the Telugu version raised, the fans of Vijay got shocked and worried about the Telugu version of Leo. But as said above, the issue is about the Title Usage Rights. Team Sithara is trying to sort out the issue, according to the close sources. Also, a clarification will be given officially by the Telugu distributors soon and a smooth release is likely to be happened. Anyway let’s wish Vijay and team Leo all the best.