Lokesh Kanagaraj and Vijay’s Leo has made great buzz in the trade circles and among fans ever since it was announced. This excitement went a few levels higher after the title announcement video that featured Vijay in a far-off cabin forging a sword.
Coming to the pre-release business, Leo, with just non-theatrical rights has made Rs 245Cr business as digital, Satellite and audio rights have been sold at record prices. Now, the theatrical business is also fetching at record prices, and Kerala rights have been bought for Rs 16Cr and overseas bought for Rs 60Cr. Tamil Nadu is expected to fetch the makers more than 100Cr while the Telugu states will get more than 20Cr. Around Rs 25Cr business is expected from Karnataka and ROI.
The business may be even higher than these numbers and the movie is expected to do the business near 500Cr mark. Trisha will play the lead opposite Vijay marking the return of this successful combo. Leo has a list of the big star cast, among which Arjun Sarja, Priya Anand, Gautham Menon, Mathew Thomass, Mansoor Ali Khan among others. It is produced by Seven Screen Studio and The Route while Anirudh Ravichander has composed the music. Leo is expected to release worldwide on 19th October.