Vijay Deverakonda’s Kushi also starring Samantha in the female lead role, was released this Friday and received a relatively positive response on its first day. Though the film had a bit of mixed result at the Telugu states box office, the film performed well and grossed over Rs 50 crore and became the highest grossing film of Vijay Deverakonda’s career.
All those who are following social media are aware that a paid and negative campaign was being spread on the film. Vijay Deverakonda reacted to this negativity at the success meet of the film. He said that there has been a wanted negativity against the film with negative ratings on BMS, YouTube fake reviews, but the love shown by the audiences has made the film a success. He further added that he does not want to discuss such negativity when his fans encouraged and have made the film success.
Even the fans of Vijay Deverakonda argued that some people are working to spread a negative talk about Kushi. As an example of this, the popular ticket booking app Book My Show had shown nearly 10,000 reviews with 1/10 ratings.
If the public really does not like a film, it does not matter if they give a bad rating, but if some people do this deliberately, it is not at all a good practice. While there are comments that a leading hero team is behind this, there is no clarity on who the hero is.