Vijay Devarakonda had faced a debacle with his most recent Pan-Indian film, Liger. The film was completely bombed at the box office, and his other film Kushi shoot was halted due to the heroine Samantha’s health issues. Vijay Devarakonda’s fans are waiting to see him on screen.
However, a special announcement has been made for all of Vijay Devarkonda’s fans, who are eagerly awaiting the news about his upcoming film. It was revealed today that Vijay Deverakonda will be seen in the lead role in a new movie produced by the renowned Sithara Entertainments banner.
The production is being directed by National Award-Winning Film ‘Jersey’ director Gowtham Tinnanuri. According to a concept poster that was also made public, Vijay plays an unnamed spy. The poster looks superb, and it will be very fascinating to see the lover boy Vijay Devarakonda in a spy role.
Along with the announcement poster, Vijay Deverakonda tweeted, “The Script. The Team. My next. My heart skipped a few beats when I heard this. #VD12”