Tollywood star actor Victory Venkatesh who came before the audience with F3 last year, has today made an interesting announcement. The star took to his Twitter to announce his 75th film. Young and talented director Sailesh Kolanu, who recently received a good success with HIT 2, is confirmed to direct this landmark film.
Venkat Boyanapalli of Niharika Entertainment, who produced Shyam Singha Roy, is making this film on a large scale. The makers have unveiled a pre-look poster to announce that a big update will be out on January 25, 2023.
This will be the most prestigious project of Niharika Entertainment, and they will make it on a massive scale. This film will also be the highest-budget film for Venkatesh.
According to the reports, Sailesh Kolanu will present Venkatesh in a never seen manner in this action film that will further feature several sets of attractive actors. Reputed technicians will handle different crafts in this film. The makers will announce the other cast and crew soon.
The news of Hit Series Director Sailesh joining the hands for a film with Venkatesh has raised a doubt in industry circles and the audience are thinking now that this will be a standalone movie, or it will be a part of Hit universe. We have to wait for a few more days to know the truth.