Mega Prince Varun Tej has been doing some exciting projects of late, and he is making sure each of his project is different from the other, in terms of story and his character. The actor has signed his 14th movie, which will be directed by Karuna Kumar. Mohan Cherukuri (CVM) and Dr Vijender Reddy Teegala will be producing this film on a massive scale under the banner of Vyra Entertainments. VT14 will be the highest budgeted movie in Varun Tej’s career.
Karuna Kumar, the director who received good applause with Palasa, his debut film, will make this new film, and he has penned a powerful script to present Varun Tej in a never seen before character and reportedly the actor is undergoing an entirely different makeover to play an author backed character.
The movie tentatively titled VT14 is set in the period backdrop of the 1960s. The team will assure to get the desired authentic feel of the 60s. The makers will also rope in a team of talented technicians to handle different crafts. VT14 will have its grand launch ceremony on the 27th of this month in Hyderabad. More details are awaited.
Meanwhile, Varun Tej’s upcoming film, Gandeevadhari Arjuna is all set to hit theaters worldwide on August 25. The film is directed by Praveen Sattaru and stars Sakshi Vaidya as the female lead and Mickey J Mayor is the music composer of the film.