Vaishnav Tej wasted his golden debut launch. It is widely known that Megastar Chiranjeevi’s nephew, Panja Vaishnav Tej’s debut film, Uppena, was a massive blockbuster. None of the young heroes from the Mega family who debuted recently got a launch like Vaishnav Tej. However, Vaishnav Tej has wasted his golden debut launch.
It is widely known that Panja Vaishnav Tej recently released the film Aadikeshava. The film opened to a below-par talk, and the collections on Day 1 were also dismal. The film is showing no hopes of any Jump on. Today or tomorrow will likely become a massive box office disaster.
As said above, Vaishnav Tej debuted with a blockbuster like Uppena, which collected 50Cr+ Share and close to 100Cr Gross even though it was released during the Covid Period. He also received a massive appreciation for his performance. So the audience and everyone expected another star hero to be launched from the Mega family.
But Vaishnav Tej’s poor script selection has put him in the wrong position. After facing two consecutive failures, Vaishnav’s Aadikeshava also tanked at the box office. His films are not getting minimum openings at the box office, and the business is also not doing well. He scored hattrick disasters and wasted the golden debut launch.
Now, he needs to give a solid comeback, or getting the lead role offers will also be challenging if he fails to deliver excellent content with his subsequent films.