Vaaranam Aayiramm Re-Release Sets Record in Karnataka. This film’s Telugu version was released last year and got a sensational response. It was one of the biggest grosser ever in re-releases and record re-releases grosser in dub films. Even Suriya was shocked by the response to the re-release in Telugu. “This love is a huge surprise!!! A big thank you from team #SuriyaSonOfKrishnan ” He Tweeted “Awestruck – you guys are the best!! ❤️” he added.
The Tamil version was re-released on Valentine’s Day special, creating a new benchmark. In Tamil Nadu it’s running on an excellent note, In Karnataka it creates a record in re-releases with 75L gross and super strong bookings for this weekend too. The film’s cult classic status in all languages doing this magic.
Gautam Vasudev Menon directed this film and it was a Musical Blockbuster 15 years ago but this Masterpiece still has the craze all over the south and the songs which were composed by Harris Jayaraj are still trending. Telugu Audiences have major areas of strength for the tunes in this film. At theaters, every group is visible singing and dancing to the beats.
The adoration track of Suriya and Sameera Reddy in the film is number one among all. This romantic drama features Sameera Reddy, Simran, and Divya Spandana as the female leads. This movie collected over 2.5 Crores gross worldwide in Telugu.
Re Release Trailer of Vaaranam Aayiram