Natural Star Nani collaborated with Indragaanti Mohana Krishna alongside with Sudheer Babu for the third time for V movie. Mohana Krishna himself introduced Nani as a hero with Asta Chamma. In their second combo Gentleman, Nani was seen in a dual role and the director portrayed one of these roles in negative shades and revealed the suspense in the climax.
For this movie also he used a similar strategy and designed the character of Nani. The plot V revolves around how a former military officer transformed into a killer and Sudheer Babu will be chasing the case. It is said that there are many more surprising elements where the audience will be thrilled with twists. V was supposed to hit the screens on 25th March but this did not happen to the lockdown. Despite offering a huge amount for its direct OTT-release by Amazon Prime, the producer Dil Raju denied as he wants a theatrical release and Nani also responded regarding its release. V also features Aditi Rao Hydari, Nivetha Thomas in the other lead roles while Amit Trivedi as the music composer.