The day that Powerstar fans Pawan Kalyan were eagerly waiting to come has arrived. Ustaad Bhagat Singh’s first glimpse has been launched grandly at Sandhya 70MM theater, Hyderabad amid a massive fan crowd. The glimpse is a perfect treat for the fans, and it looks like the Gabbar Singh characterization is back with much more intense and anger added to it.
The 43-second video is filled with pure mass stuff. It starts with a quote from the Bhagavad Gita. Harish Shankar has shown Pawan Kalyan exactly the way which his wanted to see. The mannerisms of Pawan, his swag, dialogue delivery, and looks are a treat to his hard-core fans. One more positive thing from the glimpse was Devi Sri Prasad’s nice background score.
Director Harish Shankar is liked by Power Star Pawan Kalyan fans because he gave them a blockbuster with Gabbarsingh. Now it looks like the director is all set to repeat the same feat with Ustaad Bhagat Singh again. The glimpse ends with the dialogue “Eesari performance badhalaipodhi.” What actually catches our attention is Pawan’s look at the screen with tea glass in hand and the last shot can be said the best shot of the teaser as we can see Pawan using a gun with attitude.
Mythri Movie Makers are producing Ustaad Bhagat Singh while the director is Harish Shankar, as we know. The film stars Young and sensational actress Sree Leela as the female lead and Ashutosh Rana, Gauthami, Naga Mahesh, and Temper Vamsi will appear in other prominent roles.