Upendra’s fans have been waiting for the release of his film UI. The upcoming movie, which also marks Upendra’s eleventh directorial, is rumored to be being made at a budget of over Rs 100 crore. Today, the filmmakers released a teaser with a creative idea for the UI Teaser, which backfired miserably.
Upendra shocked everyone by releasing an audio teaser without any visuals and encouraged people to use their imagination and creative thinking and stop relying on mobile phones. The fans were severely disappointed. The creative idea of Upendra did not work, as this was not expected from any big film. The fans and audience are highly disappointed with this act by Upendra.
You can hear the sounds of horses running, people crying, pleading for food, and calling out for help in the teaser. You get a sense of the intense and distressing events happening beyond the dark screens through the sounds of violent fights. A note is included at the end that states, ‘This teaser is for your imagination.
The teaser starts with a note, “Use headphones for spatial audio.” And that’s it. The whole teaser is a blank black screen with Upendra’s voice over. He says, “Darkness, darkness everywhere. What kind of a place is this? How can one escape this darkness? If I see the light, they will kill upon hearing our voice. How to escape from here?”