Two recent blockbusters are arriving at Disney Plus Hotstar next week. Mammootty’s Kannur Squad and Siddharth’s Chinna (Chithha) are the two recent blockbusters coming at Hotstar next week,i.e., November 17th. Both the films received great appreciation and box office success as well.
Chinna is a film that can appeal to the OTT audience, generate further praise, and resonate with the target audience because of the content and message of the movie. Mammootty Kannur Squad, directed by Roby Vargheese Raj, is a massive blockbuster in Malayalam and collected close to 85 Cr Gross. Siddharth finally made a comeback with Chithha (Chinna in Telugu) film, which worked very well in Tamil and was dubbed in Telugu also it did not work at the box office as the movie had no buzz at the release time, but the film received very good reviews.
Both movies will be streaming on 17th November in Disney Plus Hotstar. They will be Streaming in Telugu language along with their original languages.