Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor’s Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar saw a solid start at the box office with Rs 15 crore. While the film saw a considerable drop in its collection for a couple of days, it saw a massive jump in its number on the first weekend. On its first Saturday in theaters, TJMM collected around Rs 14 Crores net as per the trade circles.
The romantic comedy, directed by Luv Ranjan, also marked the acting debut of Boney Kapoor. The Film’s performance at the Box-office is decent, but not great. Now it all depends on how much to the film will collect on Sunday and Monday to get an idea on the full run.
On Day 4, which was the film’s first Saturday, TJMM saw a massive jump in its collection. According to the trade circles, Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar collected Rs 14 crores net on March 11. Hence, the four-day total collection would be around 50 crores.
Meanwhile, Box Office India reported, “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar is doing well on Saturday which is day four. It’s not a high number for the film but the fact that the film has comeback with very good growth after two low days is a good sign, and it gives the film chance to sustain post the extended weekend. The film has got pretty close to its first day all India number. The film will go ahead of its first day number where it was not a holiday and major cities which have bigger multiplexes. The Hindi belts will remain less but to expect them to come to Holi holiday levels on a Saturday is an ask, though this could happen on the Sunday. The shortfall from day one will be from mass centers.”
The film also marks the first collaboration of Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor. The film was released during the Holi 2023 weekend, March 8, 2023. The romantic comedy film, written and directed by Luv Ranjan, is produced by Luv Films and T-Series Films. Anubhav Singh Bassi, Dimple Kapadia and Boney Kapoor play pivotal supporting roles in the film.
The music of the film is composed by Pritam. Amitabh Bhattacharya wrote all lyrics. The film revolves around Mikki (Ranbir) and Tinni (Shraddha) who fall in love but because of a few incidents Tinni wants to get out of the relationship. How Mikki handles the situation forms the rest of the story.