Mahesh Babu’s upcoming project with Trivikram is in its production stage with a ‘Mass Strike‘ video scheduled on May 31st. The video will have Mahesh’s massy look and will also reveal the film’s title. This project will be way bigger than the duo’s previous films- Athadu and Khaleja and this is why Trivikram is also thinking big. While SSMB is not going to be a pan-India project, the ace director’s next films after SSMB 28 will be made for a nationwide audience.
Trivikram has not done any pan-India films till now. But he has been planning the same for a long time and after Mahesh Babu’s film, he is planning to do a big pan-Indian film. Trivikram’s next collaboration will be with Allu Arjun and post that, he is also planning to rope in Prabhas.
Coming to SSMB 28, the producers have already announced that SSMB 28 will be released on January 13th on the occasion of Sankranthi next year. The film also stars Pooja Hegde and Sree Leela in lead roles opposite Mahesh.