Power Star Pawan Kalyan and his nephew Sai Dharam Tej have teamed up for Bro The Avatar. The film is slated to be released on July 28th. The film has been directed by a renowned actor in Tamil and Telugu, Samuthirakani. Apart from being an actor, Samuthirakhani is also a writer and director as well. The theatrical trailer of the film was good and were decent. The film is all set to hit the theaters in the next couple of days.
Director Samuthirakani gave a wonderful speech at the pre-release event at Shilpakala Vedika in Hyderabad, which happened last night. He talked in as much Telugu as he can, which impressed the fans. He praised Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram a lot and told that Trivikram supported him like a father.
“One day when I went to Trivikram Anna in his house, I received a phone call from a don in Madurai, who was crying after seeing the film I had done (Vinodhaya Sitam). He kept talking to me on the phone for a long time. Watching this, Trivikram asked me who was on the phone. I told him that a don in Madurai was crying, and I also shared with him that his age was around 70 years. Thereafter, I told the story and said a dialogue at the end. Which goes like “There is neither race nor religion in heaven, then what about hell, we are bringing you from there itself.” Listening to this, Trivikram Anna became very excited and said that he would say it again.” said Samuthirakhani.
“ Trivikram liked the story very much which I told him. I told Trivikram Anna that I wanted to do this story with a big hero. He came 10 minutes later. He asked me if I would do it with Pawan Kalyan garu. I stood up at once, as if my time had just arrived. Since then, it’s been my time. I have been waiting for Pawan Kalyan garu.
“I finally got a call from him and I completed the shooting of the role of Pawan Kalyan garu in 21 days. He was completely involved in the film. In this journey with Pawan Kalyan garu, I have seen his understanding of the society, and I am always ready to follow him,” Samuthirakani said.
Thereafter, speaking about Trivikram, Samuthirakhani said used to treat and support me like a father. He said Trivikram took care of everything for him. Finally, he ended his speech by addressing the fans and assuring them that they would win.