It’s a known fact the ace director Trivikram will be teaming up with Allu Arjun for the fourth time after wrapping up Guntur Kaaram. The actor-director duo have so far given successful films like ‘Julayi,’ ‘S/O Sathya Murthy,’ and the mega-blockbuster ‘Ala Vaikunthapuramuloo’. Hence, the anticipation of this next project AA 22 is naturally quite high.
However, it appears like Trivikram might not work on AA 22 directly after completing Guntur Kaaram. Trivikram is likely to go ahead with a film with Nani post-Guntur Kaaram. Trivikram has an interesting subject that he wants to shoot in a short period and the insiders reveal that talks are already on. If this film materializes, it would be great to see Nani-Trivikram together and fans would get to experience something extremely fresh.
Nani will be next seen in Vivek Athreya’s Saripoda Sanivaaram. The title reveal was made a couple of months ago through a special video and the film surely looks intriguing. Nani’s Hi Nanna is currently running in theatres and with a Vivek Athreya project and a Trivikram film slated next, we can surely expect some great performances from the Natural Star in 2024 as well.