Friday is the favourite day for all the Telugu movie lovers. Most of the films release on Friday. Even after the introduction of OTT, people are looking for Fridays. OTT platforms are also choosing Friday to release the new movies. Aha went on and announced blockbuster fridays and releasing two movies on each Friday. So let’s see the list of Telugu movies releasing on OTT.
Dulquer Salman’s Salute is an investigative thriller opted for a direct OTT release. Dulquer Salman, Diana penty and Manoj K Jayan played lead roles. Enjoy this Roshan Andrrews malayalam suspense thriller in Telugu on SonyLiv.
Kiran Abbavaram known for his movies Raja vaaru Rani garu and SR Kalyanamandapam came out with action thriller Sebastian P.C. 524. This Balaji Sayapureddy’s directorial is released on 4th March and coming to you on Aha in only two weeks after theatrical release.
June – a coming of age romantic comedy malayalam film was released in 2019. The movie received well and it is a commercial success at box office. Now it is coming to you in Telugu on Aha. So let’s enjoy this Friday with these movies.