Three huge stars are next in line for Bollywood after Allu Arjun’s entry. After the massive success of Pushpa-The Rise in the Northern parts of India, the makers of Ala Vaikunthapurram Loo are keen to cash in on Allu Arjun’s fame. Goldmines Telefilms owns the official Hindi dubbing rights of the film and is planning to release the film on 26th January in theatres.
This has turned out to be a very controversial decision due to many reasons. But, leaving that aside, three huge South Indian stars have also stepped up in line to release the Hindi dubbed version of their films.
Ram Charan’s blockbuster Rangasthalam’s Hindi dubbed version will also release in theatres. The makers have done this to cash in on the craze around Ram Charan due to RRR.
Thalapathy Vijay’s Mersal will also have a Hindi dubbed release to exploit the North markets. In addition to that, another Tamil megastar Ajith is also in line with Viswasam.
This is both good and bad. The good aspect is that our South Indian stars are finally getting the Pan-India exposure they deserve. But, things could easily turn murky. This could create a dangerous trend of releasing dubbed films whenever needed, which could impact the small-scale films released in theatres.