Kiran Abbavaram’s Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha is all set to enter its second week and the makers are hoping for a quick turnaround for the movie. The movie was released last Saturday and registered good word of mouth and decent collections. The first two days of the movie brought in Rs 4.66 crores from Telugu states while the worldwide gross totaled Rs 5.2 crores.
After a decent first weekend, the movie saw a slowdown in momentum during the weekdays. This has dented Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha’s collection journey slightly. The upcoming weekend is a crucial one for the makers as it will decide the movie’s fate. If this multi-genre film manages a similar performance to last weekend, it will certainly race towards a hit status.
The concept of a number-neighbor was also appreciated by several critics and audiences, much to the makers’ delight have lapped up the concept. They want the good word of mouth to attract more audience over the weekend.
This Kiran Abbavaram starrer has been directed by Murali Kishore Abburu. Bunny Vas has bankrolled this movie with Allu Aravind presenting it. Daniel Viswas is the director of photography while Marthand K Venkatesh has handled the editing duties.