The moment for which Prabhas fans have been eagerly waiting has finally arrived. Salaar, the most awaited film’s teaser was released this morning. The combination of Prabhas and Prashanth Neel has made this film very interesting and not only Prabhas fans, but the other audiences are also waiting for the movie. However, Salaar team has disappointed the Prabhas fans and audience.
When the team said we are releasing a teaser, the fans of Prabhas and even the other neutral audiences had eagerly waited and everyone woke up in early morning to catch the visuals of the teaser. Because it is not only a Prabhas film, but it is also a film by the director who made the magnanimous series of KGF. So, it was obvious for Salaar teaser to have mammoth hype around it.
However, when the teaser of Salaar finally arrived it did not seem like a teaser as there was no clear shot of the hero, Prabhas and even there were no dialogues for him. It just looked like a glimpse, the dialogues also not look powerful. Only the cutout of Prabhas looked powerful, and the action part was quite good, but overall, the Salaar team disappointed Prabhas fans and the audience teaser does not give a fresh feel, and it is very much similar to the Prashant Neel’s KGF world.
Now if the film, Salaar is really linked to the KGF universe then there will be no issues. But, if it is a fresh movie, then definitely this similarity from the KGF world may affect the result of Prabhas’s Salaar.