The last few months have been bitter-sweet for Tollywood box office. While the industry saw super successful films like Sita Ramam, Bimbisara and Karthikeya 2, there were films like Macherla Niyojakavargam, The Warrior, Ramarao On Duty and Pakka Commercial which were big disasters.
With three movies hitting the screens this week, all eyes were on them. However, all three- Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali, Shakini Daakini and Nenu Meeku Baga Kavalsinavaadini received poor reviews and terrible openings.
All these films has opened with disastrous numbers and failed even to cover the rents on the opening day itself. The reviews for all these films have been pretty discouraging and the performance has been pretty poor in all areas. The three films are on their way to being big disasters at the box office.
Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali is a romantic drama directed by Mohanakrishna Indraganti and stars Sudheer Babu and Krithi Shetty. Nenu Meeku Baga Kavalsinavaadini is an action entertainer with Kiran Abbavarm in the lead while Shakini Daakini featured Nivetha Thomas and Regina Cassandra in lead.