The Telangana High Court issued a notice to Megastar Chiranjeevi on a land dispute at Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. The court mentioned that they should carry no construction out on the disputed site of the Jubilee Hills housing society and directed Chiranjeevi and the Jubilee Hills Society to refrain from any kind of construction activities. The court directed maintaining the existing state of affairs on the disputed site.
The Jubilee Hills Society sold the land, which was allocated for public purposes, to Chiranjeevi. A petition was filed claiming that the land was sold in violation of the rules. Society members filed the petition Jampala Srikanth Babu, M. Prabhakar Rao and others said the society sold it for ₹ 3.83 crores while the market value was ₹ 20 crores.
In addition, they said the company had no authority over it because it was public land and was the property of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation.
Rohit Pogula, counsel for the petitioners, told the single-judge bench of Justice C.V. Bhaskar Reddy that the managing committee of the housing society alienated the plot in question without approval. Assessing the court that construction was ongoing, he sought orders to stop the activity and restrictions not to further alienate the property.
The judge directed Chiranjeevi, GHMC and Jubilee Hills Housing Co-operative Society to file their counters and adjourned the case to April 25.