Malayalam film, The Goat Life also titled Aadu Jeevitham stars Prithviraj Sukumaran and Amala Paul released this March 28th. The film garnered fantastic reviews and became a box office sensation there. The film was commended for its making and the praiseworthy performance of the leader actor Prithviraj Sukumaran. But The Goat Life became a disaster in the Telugu States.
The film is a survival thriller based on a real-life incident adapted from the novel of the same name, Aadu Jeevitham. It resonated with the audience of the Malayalam Industry but Telugu Audience didn’t show any interest in the film. The film also faced tough competition with Tillu Square at the box office which further damaged the film’s prospects. Tillu Square gained a unanimous positive talk and is setting the box office on fire. In Tamil Nadu, The Goat Life opened well with 1 crore gross which is the biggest ever opening there for a Malayalam film. It collected 5 crores gross till now and is also expected to touch the 10 crore mark by its end run.
In the Telugu States, The Goat Life performed poorly. It didn’t even post decent numbers. All expected it to perform well by the weekend but it became a dud. Prithviraj who attained a Pan India image after his role in Salaar failed to attract the audience here.