The Geetha Govindam combo is now complete. It is widely known that Vijay Deverakonda’s next film is Family Star, directed by Parasuram. The movie is the second time the actor and director have collaborated, following a memorable hit like Geetha Govindham. When Parasuram and Vijay Devarakonda joined hands again for a film, most fans and audience wanted Rashmika to play the lead actress role, but the team chose to rope in Mrunal Thakur.
Now the buzz is that Rashmika Mandana will be seen for a short runtime in the film, which completes the Geetha Govindam combo. The latest news is that actress Rashmika Mandanna will make a cameo in this family entertainer. The fans of Vijay and Rashmika are happy as the Geetha Govindam combo is now complete.
The movie’s shoot is currently taking place in New Delhi. It was obvious that Mrunal Thakur and Rashmika were in the exact location from their Insta stories. On top of that, Rashmika wrote, “Shooting for something special. Tvaralo Cheptha (I will inform you about it soon).”
Geetha Govindham significantly impacted Rashmika’s career, making her grab big offers in the Telugu film industry. The actress has indirectly confirmed her involvement in Family Star. Does Rashmika have a cameo role? Or will she be seen just for a moment? It needs to be seen. The movie was set to be released in Sankranthi 2024, but it has been postponed due to the delay in the filming, and it is now eying Summer 2024.