Lokesh Kanagaraj is not just a name now, it is a brand in Kollywood. The talented director went into the different league altogether. His filmography is path breaking and jaw dropping. He started decent with Maanagaram and hits a sixer straight away with Kaithi. Talent will climb high soon and the talented director grabbed the big one with Vijay Thalapathy’s Master. And the important thing is he proved himself every single time.
In no time the young lad got his dream come true moment of directing his idol Kamal Hassan. He used this opportunity and turned it into a gold. Vikram is creating sensation all over India. When Kollywood is lacking behind in the Pan India race, Vikram hits the right chord. Lokesh kanagaraj created a universe which audience are calling it as Loki Kollywood Universe.
Lokesh is enjoying the dream phase. The brand Lokesh is bigger than star Heros now in Tamil industry. The audience are shouting Lokesh Lokesh in theatres. Though there is Kamal Hassan, getting a mark as Lokesh Kangaraj’s Vikram is quite an achievement for the director.
Vikram is a comeback film for Kamal Hassan. In fact no one has expected this sensational comeback from Kamal Hassan. The film opens with very huge numbers and the main reason is the director Lokesh. As per the people’s verdict, Lokesh Kanagaraj is the top director in Kollywood now.