Tamil superstar Thalapathy Vijay has finally debuted on Instagram. The actor, who was not part of the popular photo sharing app, did his first post on Sunday afternoon. His fans didn’t waste a minute on following their favorite hero for direct updates.
The Varisu actor’s first post was a picture of himself, smiling as he looked at something. He captioned the image as, “Hello Nanbas and Nanbis (Hello friends).” The bio of the verified Instagram account reads, “Official Page handled by the office of Actor Vijay.”
Not long after Thalapathy Vijay uploaded his first post, the fans were quick to welcome their hero. Within 99 minutes of his arrival on Instagram, Vijay’s account reached 1M followers, which is the fastest ever for an Indian handle in Instagram and his post raked over 634K likes. Vijay is yet to follow anyone from his account.
Actress like Rashmika Mandanna and Keerthy Suresh were among the first to follow the actor on Instagram, soon followed by others. The excitement amongst Vijay’s fans was so great that on Twitter, the hashtag “Thalapathy On Instagram” started trending.
Vijay was last seen on the Tamil blockbuster Varisu along with Rashmika Mandanna. He is now finishing the production of his highly anticipated movie Leo, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The film also features actress Trisha Krishnan in the main role and the film will also has actor Sanjay Dutt, who will be seen in a negative role.