The Tamil Film Producers Council in Chennai has given red cards to four prominent actors for their alleged misconduct with the producers. Yesterday’s executive committee meeting resulted in a decision that shocked the entire Tamil film industry.
Silmbu was red carded by producer Michael Rayappan, who funded the blockbuster Anbanavan Adangadhavan Asaradhavan after a complaint was filed. According to the complaint, Vishal failed to keep track of the money of the association while he was the council’s president. Atharva, who was accused of not responding to the complaint properly, was also red-carded.
Simbu, Vishal, SJ Surya, Atharva, and Yogi Babu received a warning from the Tamil Film Producers’ Council (TFPC) earlier this June, The five prominent actors in Kollywood for their lack of cooperation and involvement in controversy. But now the red card has been issued for Dhanush, Simbu, Atharvaa, and Vishal as per report.
The red cards are a severe punishment for the actors, as they cannot work with any producer in Tamil cinema until further notice. The red cards have caused a lot of reaction from fans and industry insiders, who have shared their opinions on social media.
Until the actors clear their dues or settle their disputes with the producers, they will not be allowed to work in any Tamil film with this red card. An actor’s career can be drastically impacted by the red card, as it can impact their reputation and future opportunities.
The four stars currently in trouble have not responded to the allegations yet. Their upcoming projects have them all occupied and they have a loyal fan base. It’s uncertain how they’ll handle this situation and whether they can avoid the red card. As the actor will be banned from acting in any Tamil film until the issue is resolved, it is yet to be seen whether Vishal’s upcoming release Mark Antony (tomorrow is the film’s release date), and Dhanush’s Captain Miller to get released without any effect.