Tamil Cinema has been facing extremely tough times for quite some time. After Vijay’s Leo which was released last October, no movie has managed to perform exceptionally well. Even during Pongal, no film managed to collect 100Cr gross in Tamil Nadu. Shockingly, the combined gross of all movies released for Sankranti is less than 100Cr.
And after Sankranti, the theatres are unable to recover rents as well. Single screens are hit hard and several theatre owners have started shutting down their theatres completely. In Chennai, around 6 single screens are going to be shut down in the coming months. In Coimbatore, 5 single screens will be shut down.
Similarly, single screens in every territory are facing issues and shutting down. Around 40 single screens in Tamil Nadu are heading towards closure this year. The reason is that single screens are unable to sustain as most of the audiences prefer multiplexes even for star hero films.
Even the Distributors are demanding a higher percentage so the single screens are struggling to make the money on any film. These deals are not working out for exhibitors as theatres have ended up in deficits since October on most of the days. This trend is likely to continue and many single screens are likely to be closed in the coming years. Single screens have been a huge part of Tamil Cinema and their closure is painful for many.