Suriya’s upcoming high-budget Pan India film Kanguva, which had created a wonderful buzz in the trade circles and industry with its excellent title reveal video, has reportedly postponed its release date. The release video featured exceptional CGI and gripping visuals, making it one of the finest title reveals in recent times. Siva, who is known for his commercial mass entertainers, had surprised everybody with his ability to produce such a quality content within a short time.
The film was initially planned for January 2024 release during the Republic Day weekend. However, now the inside reports strongly suggest that the movie has been postponed to summer as the movie’s shooting schedules are taking more time than planned as big sets and big number of cast are involved. The film is expected to be released in Summer 2024. The makers are taking care of every small thing of this prestigious project.
There is also a heavy anticipation for this pan India project in trade circles. Kanguav’s digital rights have been acquired by Prime Video for a whopping 80 Crores, which is also excluding the Hindi language. The producer of the movie KE Gnanavel Raja had officially revealed that the South Indian Digital Rights of Kanguva have been sold for a whopping amount of RS 80 Crores. It is the biggest deal for a Tamil movie on Prime. Overall, it will be the 2nd biggest deal in Tamil movies after Vijay’s Leo, which was bought by Netflix.
Director Siva had revealed in an interview that Suriya’s Kanguva is set in an entirely new world and will give the audience an experience like never before. The movie will be loaded with heavy VFX work and if the release video was any indication, then we are in for a treat. The movie’s 2D and 3D versions will simultaneously release in all languages. Kanguva is a pan-India project, and Siva and the team are putting all of their efforts to make it as big as possible.
Produced by Gnanavel Raja on Studio Green banner, Disha Patani is the female lead of the film and Devi Sri Prasad is composing the film’s music. Kanguva, the high-budget film, is slated to be released in 10 languages.