Suriya’s Etharkkum Thunindhavan stylized as ET is about to release on March 11. Suriya is expecting to bounce back with this film. This film is directed by Pandiraj who earlier had hits with Namma Veettu Pillai and Kadaikutty Singam, released as Chinababu in Telugu. This will also be the comeback film of Suriya after his recent 2 films, Soorarai Pottru, released as Akasam nee hadduraa and Jai Bhim’s release on OTT. The film achieved a negative talk and the opening figures of the film are not good even.
But after a low opening day, ET had a decent Day 2 at the box-office. Day 3 too was excellent and more than Day 1 in many centers. The Advance bookings are even excellent for the Day 4 which is Sunday. Finally this has been an excellent weekend for Suriya after a long time. But it has to be seen how the film performs during the weekdays and the second weekend.
However ET has not received any kind of good openings and it is going towards a disaster in Telugu Box-office. Radhe Shyam which released a day later has completely taken over the box-office. ET has no chance in Telugu Market as of now.