AR Rahman exits from Suriya 45. The renowned music director AR Rahman needs no special introduction to the Indian cinema lovers. The star composer was officially announced as the music director for Suriya’s 45th film. Also, the film’s shoot started recently. Recently, there has been a news that AR Rahman left the film due to some other movies’ conflicts.
Though there was no response from the team regarding this news, it looks like the news is true. A latest poster from Suriya 45, welcoming the cinematographer GK Vishnu was released without AR Rahman’s name. As AR Rahman exits from Suriya 45, the fans are discussing about the possible reasons of his decision.
Directed by RJ Balaji, the 45th movie of Suriya is said to be a devotional fantasy film, and it is also being said that the makers are planning for 2024 end release. Trisha is said to be the lead actress of Suriya 45.