The supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej and Malayalam beauty Samyuktha Menon are brought together in the film Virupaksha. The film is produced by BVSN Prasad under the banners of Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra and Sukumar Writings. Karthik Varma, a disciple of star director Sukumar, directed this film. Yesterday (April 16) Sukumar attended and spoke as the chief guest at the pre-release event organized at the CR Reddy College in Eluru.
Sukumar shocked everyone by revealing the health condition of the director of Virupaksha, Karthik Varma, and how he emerged from a critical medical condition and directed this film.
“When Karthik came to me, he had a medical problem and the doctors said he would live for five to six years. He came to Hyderabad with his mother. Then he was in a very critical condition. But he wanted to direct at least one film before he dies. However gradually he got out of the issue and completed the film. I am very happy to see him complete the film. It’s also emotional because Karthik used to live on steroids. If they are not taken, the platelets in the body do not increase. Now he’s out of the problem is only because of his mother’s blessings” said Sukumar.
Also talking about the film, Sukumar congratulated director Karthik that he made it very well. He told that Karthik is a good storyteller. Sukumar affirmed Virupaksha will be a big hit and Karthik will become a big director.
Set in the period of 1970-1990’s… Virupaksha will be released on April 21 in theaters worldwide in multiple languages. Sai Dharam Tej is coming with another serious film, Virupaksha, a complete mystical thriller, after the critically acclaimed film Republic.