Despite the failure of his last project Saaho, there are high expectations from Sujeeth’s upcoming film with Powerstar Pawan Kalyan. Titled- OG, this project has created massive buzz right from its announcement. Fans as well as industry insiders are appreciating the way Sujeeth is leading this prestigious project and with timely announcements and updates the interest around the film has been maintained well.
The young director prepared the right script according to Pawan Kalyan’s availability. Since Pawan Kalyan can not give the dates like 100 days or 120 days for a film, Sujeeth made the powerful script which needs just 30-35 days of Pawan Kalyan’s call sheets. And just as planned, OG film is continuously marching ahead at great speed with 1st and 2nd schedule planned and executed smoothly.
Sujeeth is currently filming with other actors and when Pawan Kalyan is available, he will shoot the pending part. The film is expected to complete the shoot by November and the makers are planning for a Christmas release
On the other hand, Pawan Kalyan’s other movie teams like Hari Hara Veera Mallu and Ustaad Bhagat Singh are facing delays as they need a lot of Pawan Kalyan’s time. This masterly planning from Sujeeth has worked out quite well.