Hero Sudheer Babu’s new film launched today. The pooja ceremony of the movie happened and movie will go to shoot very soon.
Sudheer Babu’s last movie Sri Devi Soda Center gain accolades from various sections of the people. The movie performed good at box office too. Now, he is coming with a new movie directed by Harshavardhan. Amrutham fame Harshavardhan isn’t just a good actor, he is a great writer and director too.
He has offered stories for different movies and directed some too. We are going to see Sudheer Babu in action under the direction of Harshavardhan now. The female lead of this film is yet to be finalized. This movie is produced by Narayan Das K Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao. Initially, the team was planning to go on sets from August 2021 but with second wave all the plans got postponed.
However, the movie got launched today and shooting will kick of the floor in some time. This is the 15th movie of Sudheer Babu. We have to see how the movie is going to be. Is Sudheer Babu going to score a big hit with his 15th movie? Let’s wait and see.