Sudheer Babu, who was last seen in 2020 crime thriller ‘V’ is ready to be a director now. No! the actor is not directing a film but will be playing the character of a director in his upcoming film Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali. Mohan Krishna Indraganti will be directing this film with whom Sudheer Babu earlier worked on ‘V’ and Sammohanam.
Kirthi Shetty, who rose to popularity with this year’s superhit Uppena will be playing the lead opposite Sudheer. The film is under production right now and Vivek Sagar will be scoring the music for the film. Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali is jointly backed by B Mahendra Babu and Kiran Ballapalli under Benchmark Studios banner.
Sudheer is currently also working on Sreedevi Soda Centre which will be wrapped soon. Meanwhile, Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali, whose shooting started last month is moving at a brisk pace.