Sudha Kongara, the national award-winning director who has directed a biopic called Soorarai Potru (Aakashame Nee Haddura) is now planning to make another biopic on the life of a successful industrialist Ratan Tata. Suriya Or Abhishek Bachan might be playing the role of Tata in the movie.
Suriya and Sudha have collaborated for Soorai Potru and the actor trusts the director a lot. Their association brought a much needed acclaim for Suriya and also fetched him a national award for his marvelous performance.
The character of an aspiring entrepreneur chasing his dream despite all odds was the unique selling point of Soorarai Potru. It was based on the life of GR Gopinath. The life of Ratan Tata would be equally interesting to explore, as he faced a lot of challenges to emerge as a leading businessman.
Sudha’s movies often make way in various language across North and South. Hence, Abhishek Bachan is also being considered for the movie to appeal to the North audience.
Sudha, who made her directorial debut with the Telugu film Andhra Andagadu, last directed Soorarai Pottru. Starring Suriya and Aparna Balamurali, the film, which was based on the life of Air Deccan founder and retired Captain of the Indian Army GR Gopinath, has won five awards including Best Feature Film, and Best Screenplay at the 68th National Film Awards.